Saturday, January 2, 2010

Wonderful Wallwisher Possibilities

I have a confession....

I am amazed at Kevin's Meandering Mind! I have learned so much from this member of my PLN and have been inspired by him. I am very excited to learn from him live at the Dublin Literacy Conference in February!

Wallwisher is a web-based tool I became aware of from him recently through his blog. Kevin posed a question and then opened up the opportunity for his PLN to answer through using Wallwisher. It was so interesting to see such a variety of educator's answers from across the U.S. It demonstrated the power of global learning!

I want to share about Wallwisher to my colleagues and also demonstrate the use of a PLN at the same time. Here's where you can help!

Please go to my Wallwisher and comment on an idea of how teachers and/or students could utilize Wallwisher in their learning experiences. I will be sharing this with colleagues throughout the next couple of weeks.

Thanks in advance for your contributions!

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